Reinstall Catalina On Mac

Are you constantly trying to fix Safari on Mac?

How Do I Reinstall MacOS Catalina Without Losing Data? Hi – I have been having some issues on my late 2013 Imac since upgrading to Catalina. A lot of library messages in the logs for example. Sometimes if I go to shutdown I get a black screen for a while then it reboots, other times it’s fine. From the reply by craig150 it seems it happened when I downloaded Catalina from the Mac App Store to create a backup bootable USB installation drive. It looks like the data volume being used is the one at the bottom, but no idea what to do to revert to normal, other than re-formatting the HD again. Reinstall your computer’s original version of macOS (including available updates): Press and hold Shift-Option-Command-R. Reinstall the version of macOS stored on your computer’s built-in recovery volume: Press and hold Command-R. In the Recovery app window, select Reinstall macOS Big Sur, then click Continue. Follow the onscreen instructions. Factory Reset Mac and Reinstall macOS Catalina. I hope the tutorial was able to help you with your Mac resetting problems. The steps are easy-to-follow, and I think everyone will be able to do it without any problem. Still, if you face any issue, comment down below, and we will help you out.

Userswho are plagued by Safari issues usually want to uninstall and reinstall theapp to resolve them. While this might work for a lot of apps out there, itdoesn’t quite solve Safari problems. In fact, you can’t simply click and deletethe app since it is an in-built feature of the macOS and a permanent part ofit.

How do I uninstall and reinstall Safari?

If you are keen on fixing Safari just get the latest version of macOS and reinstall it on your computer to get rid of Safari bugs. If you are working with the newest edition of your macOS, you are automatically using the most recent version of Safari. This also ensures that user data like passwords and extensions are protected. Of course, if all else fails, you might consider using a different browser like Kingpin for high browsing speeds and incognito browsing.

How do I fix Safari on my Mac?

Thevery basic thing you can do is force quit the browser and hold the shift keywhen Safari is starting. This will make it start in safe boot. The safe mode ismore stable than the regular one.

But this doesn’t always work. So you might need to tweak Safari settings to fit your usage. Resetting Safari on Mac clears the pile of cookies, caches, redirects, ad preferences, and a lot more. As we wrote in the previous article, it is possible to reset Safari browser even without opening. On the other hand, changing the settings may also cause you to permanently lose any data that does not have a back-up.

Youcan modify the settings easily after you’ve launched the browser on Mac. Hereis a step-by-step guide to help you improve browser performance:

1. Delete Safari cache

Cachefiles weigh down your system like nothing else. You can find the ‘Delete’option in the Preferences section of the Safari toolbar. Then go to the ‘Advanced’tab and scroll down to the ‘Show Develop menu in the menu bar. Check the box infront of it. This will display the ‘Develop’ tab on the toolbar. Click on‘Develop’ and then click on ‘Empty Caches’.

How To Reinstall Macos Catalina

Inshort, here are the steps:

Safari > Preferences > Advanced > Show Develop menu in menu bar > Develop > Empty Caches

2. Delete website data

Everywebsite you visit leaves some amount of data on your system. And all usersvisit a huge number of websites over some time. So, you can imagine the totaldata load that gets stored on your Mac. Itis easy to adjust the browser in such a way that all this data is removed andthe browser malfunctions are removed.


  • Launch Safari
  • Click on Preferences to open a new window and then click onPrivacy.
  • Select the button named ‘Manage Website Data’.
  • Click on the ‘Remove All’ button. You will be asked to confirmyour choice.
  • Click on ‘Remove Now’.


Safari > Preferences > Privacy > Manage Website Data > Remove All > Remove Now

Erasingwebsite data from all websites you’ve ever visited might check the trackingissue. However, there is a potential problem of sites loading slower. Prioritizeyour needs and change the settings accordingly.

3. Delete Safari history

Safarisettings on Mac make it easy to delete history files from the Safari toolbar.

Justdo the following things. Launch Safari and click on the ‘Safari’ tab in thetoolbar. Now click on ‘Clear History’. When the drop-down menu opens, choose‘All History’ and finally, click on ‘Clear History’.

Like so: Safari > Clear History > All History > Clear History

4. Delete Safari extensions and plug-ins


Torestore Safari settings and fix performance issues it is sometimes best toremove all extensions and plug-ins from the browser.

What to do:

  • Open Safari on your system.
  • Click on Preferences
  • Head over to the ‘Extensions’ tab on the menu
  • Here you will find the full list of active Extensions on thebrowser. You can choose to delete either a few selected ones or the entire listall at once.
  • Click on ‘Uninstall’ to finish deleting them.

Thisis what it looks like:

Safari > Preferences > Extensions > Uninstall


How To Install Catalina On Your Mac

Deletingplug-ins may be more tiresome than you think. They get saved in two separate places.Use your Finder window to locate them.

Here’sthe outline:

  • Launch Finder and move to the ‘Go’ option and select ‘Go tofolder’
  • In the search list that gets displayed, type ‘˜/Library’and click on ‘Go’.
  • The Library folder opens and now it’s time to look for InternetPlug-ins saved in a different folder.
  • Drag and drop them in the Trash.
  • Next, go back to the ‘Go’ icon and type ‘Go to folder’ once again.
  • This time you type ‘/Library’ and click on Go.
  • Now you can look for the Internet Plug-ins folder once again.
  • Drag and drop plug-ins in the Trash one final time to remove themfrom Safari.

Finder > Go > Go to folder > ˜/Library > Go > Internet Plug-Ins > Trash > Go > Go to folder > Library > Internet Plug-Ins > Trash

Reinstall Catalina On Mac

Withall such small modifications, you can reset Safari whenever you want. Once thebrowser is free of all this weight, it will not only become faster and lighterbut also more secure than before. Some website data or extensions oftendownload malware in your system.

How To Reinstall Catalina On Macbook Pro

Choosing an additional browser

Of course changing settings over and over again gets tedious. You might want to pick another browser like Kingpin that doesn’t store cookies or other site data. This saves you from having to tinker with its settings. Kingpin also forgets your browsing history and caches once your session is over. Moreover, the browser lets you access restricted content in private.

Havingan alternate browser doesn’t hurt, especially when you can use it to performhighly-sensitive online activities like bank transactions or shopping for gifswithout worrying about data leakage to other sites. Its tabs are PIN protectedso no one can spy on you. With this browser, the chances of being tracked areminimized, which is a great thing since your browsing session won’t be brokenup with ads.

Summing it all up


Safariis part of the MacOS and hence can’t be uninstalled or reinstalled. To get themaximum efficiency out of it what you can do is change Safari setting to suityour purpose. Remove extensions, caches, cookies, history, and all such filesof little use. Keep your OS updated to enjoy the benefits of the newest versionof Safari for Mac. As an alternative, switch to a safer, faster, privatebrowser like Kingpin to fix all browsing issues once and for all. It isavailable for Mac and makes for an uninterrupted browsing experience.

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